I’m safe
It is almost a month since the emergency was declared here in New York. Although there is still uncertainty about the future, I’m able to sew jeans safely. We never thought that this would happen, did we?
At the time of 9/11 in Manhattan, at the time of 3/11 in Tokyo, and Covid19 in Brooklyn. I have a tendency to face catastrophe…but I accept that positively. Every time the disaster occurred, I think Peace and Health are the key to our lives. But it appears not to have learned my lesson: I think the same thing again. How the hell can I be this bad at learning?
Even in this situation, I will take the orders scheduled for delivery in June on April 10. This is the second time to take online order this year as I try not to keep my customers waiting. I plan to take orders for all items except MP. Recently, blouses (jackets) are popular. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Everyone may be bored, but please stay home for a while. May the force be with you. One Love.
* PS. Delivery is a bit late. I am sorry for the inconvenience…
NEW YORKで非常事態宣言が出てからもうすぐ1ヶ月。依然終わりの見えない状況ですが、無事に縫製を続けています。こんなことが起こるなんて微塵も思わなかったですよね。911の時はマンハッタン、311の時は東京、そしてCovid19はブルックリンと惨事に遭遇する傾向があるのですが、前向きに受け止めています。惨事の度に平和と健康が第一だと思うわけですが、学習能力がなく、懲りもなく同じこと考えています。
みなさん退屈でしょうが、どうぞ家の中でしばらくお過ごしください。May the force be with you. One Love.
*PS ちょっと納期遅れ気味です。ご迷惑おかけしています。。。