White Denim
I will take orders for White jeans on May 10th. I usually made them for VIPs only, but when I posted it on Instagram, I got a good reputation. So, I decided to offer the white jeans only for a limited period. The delivery will be June-July.
When I sew white denim, the sewing machine, the cutting table, and the steamer iron must be thoroughly cleaned to avoid color migration, which is troublesome. Customers who miss this time will be treated as bespoke order, so please take this opportunity.
White denim is sanforized Kiyama denim. The shrinkage is about 2% vertically and 3% horizontally, which hardly shrinks. The weight is 14.2oz. I may be asked that you’d like to order it with a zipper fly since it doesn't shrink, but I can't handle it for a while because there is no white tape zipper available now. I apologies for the inconvenience.
The style is available only TYPE-S and L. SO will be bespoke order because there is no pattern for sanforized denim. For the size, please refer to each chart after Wash & Dry. The length is a bit tricky, so after Wash & Dry, please specify how many cm the inseam should be.
There are two kinds of natural hand pockets, one with a thick twill and one with a thin twill. The color of the thread is a mixture of natural and white. The price will be $ 500 + shipping.
I take pre-orders only from existing customers and VIPs, so please contact me at any time. If you are a first-time customer, please wait until May 10th.
ホワイトジーンズ 5月10日に注文取ります。いつもは顧客さま限りの特注で作っていましたが、インスタに掲載したところ評判がよろしいので今回限定でやることにしました。発送は6-7月です。ホワイトデニムを縫う時はミシンも裁断テーブルもアイロンもすべてきれいに清掃してからではないと移染してしますので、厄介なのです。今回逃したお客さまはビスポーク扱いになりますので、この機会にどうぞ。
スタイルはTYPE-SとLのみです。SOはサンフォ用のパターンがないので特注になります。んー、こんな時期なので諦めて下さい笑。サイズはWash&Dry後のチャート(下のほう)を参照してください。レングスはややこしいので、Wash&Dry後、股下何センチと指定してください。スレキは生成りツイルの厚いのと薄いの2択。糸色は生成りと白のミックス。金額は$500 + 送料です。