Another studio in Bangkok

The location of the studio in Bangkok is 2nd floor of a vintage clothing store called Wooden Submarine, which is about 2 minutes walk from Ratchathewi BTS station.

It was scheduled to open at the end of December, but the rooftop on the 4th floor of the same building was vacant, so I decided to move there.

Wooden Submarine is a famous vintage clothing store that was featured in Japanese magazine Brutus's recent Bangkok special issue, so I think many people know it. Please ask James, the store owner, where Echan is. I’ll move there in new year, so the fitting will be at James’s place for a while.

I often get inquiries that the studio is mistaken for a store. As in NY, the studio is not a store but my production space. I will have customers come to my production studio and try on and take orders. So, please make sure to get an appointment before visiting the studio.

Basically, jeans are not in stock, they are made to order. For now, it will be delivered after March. Note that currently there are some of those in stock so please ask me for the info. The Payment can be cash or CC (US dollar).

This time, I plan to stay in Bangkok from December 30th to the end of February. Also, I’ll go to Japan and on a trip in addition to production activities, so I won’t be able to take care of you if you drop by without notice. Please contact me in advance.

FYI, since there is no telephone (because I’m here and there), you can only contact me by email. I always receive it on my cell phone.

See you in Bangkok!

 バンコクのスタジオの場所は地下鉄BTSのRatchathewi駅から歩いて2分ぐらいのところにある、Wooden Submarineという古着屋の2Fです。12月末にオープン予定だったのですが、4Fのルーフトップが空いたので、そっちへ引越しすることにしました。Wooden Submarineは最近のブルータスのバンコク特集にも出ていた有名な古着屋なので知っているかたも多いかと思います。僕の所在は店主のJamesにイーチャン(myニックネーム)はどこだと聞いてください。引越しは年明なので、しばらくは試着はJamesのところですることになります。





 See you in Bangkok!

takayuki echigoya