1890ERA 501 PT4
Correction for the post of PT2 at the end of last year. Interpretation of Singer No.2 changed to Singer Standard # 2. Industrial sewing machines may be more appropriate than household sewing machines. Under the arm (space at right of needle) is too small to sew jeans with a household sewing machine. Standard # 2 started adjustment work in Japan. COVID-19 caused stuck in various ways and the schedule has to be changed, so save the fun for later.
Before that, I want to introduce a 1900ERA ish jeans with flat felled seamed and back 2 pockets using # 31 on a bicycle-type foot pedal but the buttonhole machine for that is in Bangkok. Ummm ....
年末のPT2を訂正。Singer No.2はSinger Standard #2と解釈を変更。家庭用のミシンじゃなく、工業用ミシンが妥当だろう。家庭用ミシンでジーンズ縫うのには懐が狭すぎる。Standard #2は日本で調整作業がスタートした。COVIDで色々と膠着し予定変更も余儀なくされているが、楽しみはとっておこう。